Sunday, January 27, 2008

22 weeks - 75.2 lbs

Bela played with her Kong for the first time this week. Best toy ever. She never got to play with one before because we invested in the GIANT and up until now, she didn't fit it. Not so much anymore. She played with it for hours... she loves her kong.Today we got in contact with a Therapy dog group. We are too young to start volunteering now, but we are welcomed to the monthly meetings & we will start therapy training a month after we're done with obedience. We are excited! I think its a great way to give back & an awesome use of our people loving girl! Now we are in for a long period of socializing & training. I think it will fit her well. Who doesn't love a Bela? And what Bela doesn't love the extra attention?

Bela was sad it was so wet for so long, and the forecast calls for MORE RAIN. We had some sun yesterday. I found her on a rug we dusted & left outside... on TOP of the storage bench...

For my Koiphen friends... see our bela's secret spots? Remind you of a Bekko?

Bela had her first boo boo. Who knows how it happened, but its all better today. It didn't cause her any pain (or we would have noticed it sooner - I hope)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

21 weeks - 74 lbs

Another week older, another week bigger. I have found three teeth today (2 k-9's and a molar).

Spay/neuter of your Giant breed dog

As promised, the great debate. Per our breeder, we were asked not to fix our girl until 12-14 months old. Crazy some say, however, I think we should follow the breeders instruction. I proceed to call all vets in a 30 mile radius to chose a vet. Our vet would be one familiar with tacking & spaying/neutering a giant breed at a year old.

When making my calls all of TWO vets have the experience, one with only having done it once. That limits things.

During my phone calls EVERY SINGLE VET stated to fix her at 6 months. Why put her through heat? Why make her uncomfortable, why do that to us... etc

I was at a loss. The breeder was on vacation (holiday season of course) and I was getting such conflicting info. So I turn to a friend who is big in the GSD world & ask her. She agrees to wait & gives me this link:

On the negative side, spaying female dogs
if done before 1 year of age, significantly increases the risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer); this is a common cancer in larger breeds with a poor prognosis
• increases the risk of splenic hemangiosarcoma by a factor of 2.2 and cardiac hemangiosarcoma bya factor of >5; this is a common cancer and major cause of death in some breeds
• triples the risk of hypothyroidism
• increases the risk of obesity by a factor of 1.6-2, a common health problem in dogs with many
associated health problems
• causes urinary “spay incontinence” in 4-20% of female dogs
• increases the risk of persistent or recurring urinary tract infections by a factor of 3-4
• increases the risk of recessed vulva, vaginal dermatitis, and vaginitis, especially for female dogs
spayed before puberty
• doubles the small risk (<1%)>
• increases the risk of orthopedic disorders
• increases the risk of adverse reactions to vaccinations

Did you read that? Bone cancer! I went through all this trouble to get a healthy dog with lines free of cancer only to subject her to bone cancer by fixing her prior to being physically mature.
I call BS on the vet field! How can vet's blindly go along giving possibly life threatening information? I get that we live in the generation of unwanted pets, irresponsible owners, BYB's and unscrupulous breeders. But come on! The least you can do is inform the public. Remember - knowledge is power!

So we choose to wait. We also called the breeder to let her know that none of the vets are following her guidelines, even the one she referred. Oh and dont forget the responsibilities as owners to protect our giant breed! There is no dropping off our dog for surgery knowing they are in good hands. We MUST discuss every part of the procedure - all the way from head holding to type of induction agent used. Please see:

Surgery Guidelines for Great Danes

The following information regarding both routine spay and neuter surgery as well as emergency situations in the Great Dane (such as those involving C-sections) is presented as a basic protocol to help avoid complications such as DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy) which appear to occur in a higher number of giant dogs undergoing surgery than the norm. Therefore, the GDCA offers the following information for owners and breeders of Great Danes.

Several veterinary clinics with regular and extensive experience dealing with giant breeds have developed similar protocols for surgery that can be recommended preferentially for giant breeds. These are techniques that have proven highly successful; both in routine spay/neuter surgeries as well as more critical care situations, such as C-sections. Such a set of protocols is offered below. We suggest you download it and discuss this with your veterinarian PRIOR to any surgical appointment.

Please review the following with your attending veterinarian before deciding to have surgery done on your Dane:

1. First find a veterinarian experienced with surgeries involving giant breeds.

2. All elective surgeries, such as spay/neuter, should be done ideally only on healthy animals. Spays are best planned in anestrous: about 3 months after the last season. Please insure your veterinarian is aware of any health concerns you might have about your dog prior to surgery.

3. Prior to any surgery, request that the veterinarian do a complete physical examination, including a good heart auscultation, and EKG.

4. Ensure that you elect to have the pre-surgical blood work done (CBC and serum chemistry panel) and ask them to also include a CLOTTING PROFILE.

5. If all blood work and the exam are normal, then schedule the surgery and fast the dog overnight. It's not generally necessary to withhold water for 12 hours (simply put the water bowl away at bedtime).

6. Ask that the surgeon insert an IV catheter prior to surgery. Fluid therapy should generally be administered as a safety precaution. Pulse oximetry and cardiac monitoring are also recommended. If blood pressure monitoring is available, consider any extra costs as potentially insuring additional safety margins.

7. Spay surgery in conjunction with C-section is not always the safest option in giant dogs. Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of two separate surgeries vs. doing both procedures at once with your veterinarian.

8. Currently, the induction agent, Propofol (deprivan), and the gas anesthesia, Sevoflurane, are considered the most ideal (safe and effective) anesthetic agents. These agents are not always available and always cost more to use. Valium, ketamine, and the gas isoflurane are widely available and generally acceptable. Due to the variations in physiology in giant breeds, drugs such as acepromazine, rompun and the thiopentals are less appropriate choices. Discuss this with your veterinarian. Also discuss appropriate pain control for your dog when contemplating surgery for your Great Dane.

9. During and after surgery, dogs are highly susceptible to hypothermia (lowered body temperature). The body loses heat directly through the surgical opening; stress and anesthetic agents further impair ability to maintain body temperature. Hypothermia adversely affects the cardiovascular system, coagulation, anesthesia recovery time and increases the risk of wound infection. Preventive measures, including warming of IV fluids, placing the dog on a heated pad (circulating water heating pad or other heating pad set on “low”) and covering the body and extremities with warmed blankets, towels, bubble wrap, or other protective coverings post-surgery are vital in conserving body heat. Temperature monitoring, either via electronic device or rectal thermometer, should be done during surgery and periodically throughout recovery.

Prepared by the Health and Welfare committee of the Great Dane Club of America. Written by Sue Cates, RVT and reviewed by LeAnn Lake-Heidke, DVM.

Permission to reprint as submitted for educational purposes is given.

I hope that this information helps some of you. We will update you on how our experience goes when the time comes.

Play time

Bela's best-est friend is Isis the Basenji.

What is the best way to play with a Basenji? Sit on her of course!

Disclaimer: No dogs were harmed during play time.

How many dogs fit on one bed?

Sunday, January 13, 2008

5 Months (20 weeks - 71.4 lbs)


Bela has a habit. When she no longer wants her bowl in her crate, or she is done eating, she covers the dish with a blanket.

Im concerned that this may lead to an eating disorder

Hair, hair, everywhere hair...

Yesterday my dear Bela had a brushing resulting in the following photo:

Today I dusted, the picture speaks for itself:

I believe we have a case of "losing baby coat"

Friday, January 11, 2008

Photo session

obedience training

What a mean word. We start February 6, 2008 and can not wait to complete the 7 week course & move on to private lessons with the kids of the house. Once they are confident with handling the Giant Beast I know we will all be that much happier.

On another note... we have a socialization chart that we are filling out. This is a handy dandy "what you may run into in the future, so run into it now" list.

A local training company has a great article library, please take a look:

AND, my favorite Dane site. Check out her Great Dane Owner's Checklist

As for Collars, check out Read up on them, their products, and what motivates this fabulous gal.

Next discussion? Spay/Neuter of your giant breed.

Monday, January 7, 2008

19 weeks - 66 lbs

18 weeks - 60 lbs

17 weeks - 55 lbs

16 weeks - 50 lbs

15 weeks - 45 lbs

14 weeks - 40 lbs

13 Weeks - 35 lbs

12 weeks - 33 lbs

11 weeks - 28 lbs

10 weeks - 25 lbs

Bela Ru

Considering the most updates my myspace account has is due to our new dog, a blog is in order to track her growth and updates.

May I Introduce Belisma (The name of the Gallic Minerva. The Celtic goddess of light and fire, the forge, and of crafts, and its meaning is "beautiful".) Rune (The name Rune is of Old Norse origin, and its meaning is "secret".) AKA "Bela Ru" (9 weeks old), a Piebald Harlequin Great Dane

Born 8/19/07
Sire: Jerlin's Magnificent Merlin
Dam: Morningstar's Let Freedom Ring